Wednesday, June 18, 2008

24 weeks

Even though the last picture was less than a full week from this one since we took it late, there still seems to be a bit more belly in this week's belly progress pic. However, I was standing weird the week before, so that caused some differences as well.

My 24 week appt. went well. All is still great! I got to hear the heartbeat again, and my Dr. said everything sounds perfect. My belly is measuring in at 24, which she said is great. I have gained 11 pounds so far, and that seems to be wonderful. I was thinking it was more, so according to my weekly book, I'm just under the range! I did ask her about the pain I'm getting when I bump into something or Kameron climbs on me. It seems that goes along with the bulging veins I have. She did say they have a type of support hose for pregnancy, but a heck of a time of year to start those, especially since it's tolerable.

I go back in a month & after that, it will be twice a month. This next appt. will be the test to see if I have gestational diabetes. They have changed the way they test for it now, so they gave me the glucose drink this time & instructions to take it before I come the next so I can have my blood drawn exactly one hour after taking it. Nikki had it with her recent pregnancy, so I know the fun of dealing with that & all the monitoring needed throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. They will also do another test for HIV. It seems the state of TN is requiring all mothers to have one the first trimester & then another in the third trimester now. You can refuse, but then you are required to have it at the hospital when you deliver. So, no need to refuse anyway!

In other news, Kameron got to experience his first Fair & carnival rides (since Disney isn't a carnival!) last night & loved it! I really should get some of his pics posted on here soon. Check back for that as I get Buddy to put a link for Kameron on the main page! In the meantime, here is a link to view the pics from his visit to the Fair:
And here is a link from some recent pics downtown:

Friday, June 13, 2008

23+ weeks

Well, those of you that keep up with my belly progress shots will have to wait until tonight or tomorrow to see the 23 week shot since Buddy has been out of town for a photo class. But last week's shot wasn't anything new compared to the week before, so we'll see!

Not a lot to report but I am noticing some 'common' pregnancy things lately. I may have mentioned the bulging veins before, but those are becoming more obvious & a lot more on my legs. That is something I did not have when I was pregnant with Kameron. One of them is scary since I feel like I could bump into something easily & puncture it. Anyway, I'm now into the the heartburn phase that I definitely remember. I had never experienced heartburn before I was pregnant w/ Kameron, and now it's back! Luckily it really isn't too least so far. I'm starting to have to cut back on my exercise routine a little, too, but I guess that's to be expected as I get bigger.

We are in the process of getting the bedrooms ready to transfer! Thanks to my mom & Tommy being here the past week while Buddy was gone & helping get closets cleaned out & things moved out. We are moving Kameron into the spare bedroom & putting the baby into Kameron's current room. It just made the most sense because of the 'baby' furniture already in Kameron's current room (minus the stages crib/bed) & the wood all matches. So, that's been a task that isn't done, but a real good chunk of it has been accomplished. Then we'll start painting the spare bedroom to get it set for Kameron first. I just want to have this all finished well before baby is due since you never know when she'll make her appearance!

In other news, thanks to the help & added shows from customers & family, I made my yearly award for Top Performance Cluster for Pampered Chef! It's a great honor to have, so I'm thankful to have earned it again this year, and look forward to the added diamonds to my ring, spending money, and additional incentive trip day/night.

Kameron is calming down from the fun of the past week w/ Grandma & Tommy (they enjoyed seeing Kung Fu Panda together, too) & has developed a heat rash from playing in the pool. So, looks like we'll stay indoors for another day or so. He is able to feel the baby kick, or at least he tells me he can! Buddy still hasn't been able to, but my mom & sister have. I'm very much enjoying it.

Our next Dr. appt. is Tuesday, so I'll post any news then or on Wed. after the 24 week belly shot. Too bad we won't have another ultrasound to post pics from! In the meantime, I should have my 23 week belly shot posted once Buddy gets home.