Monday, May 19, 2008

19 weeks

We are about 5 days behind in the official 19 weeks post but I will say that I had to be sure to get it on here since I can tell a difference in this week's belly progress shot compared to just the week before!

As of Mother's Day (how appropriate), I can feel the baby from the outside of my belly! The flutters have now turned into simple punches & kicks, especially when I am lying down on my side. Speaking of that, I'm supposed to strictly be on my side now & keep off lying on my back, while relaxing & sleeping. So, my two body pillows have helped keep me in position as much as possible. Every now & then Buddy will readjust me before he leaves for work in the morning. As for Buddy being able to feel the baby, well, not really yet. He claims he 'may have felt something' the other day, but it's just not as noticeable to his hands yet I guess. Now Kameron on the other hand says that he felt the baby, but I'm sure he was just excited that I was telling him what to feel for.

Kameron is pretty verbal almost daily in telling me my belly is getting bigger, but he says the baby is stuck & that's why it's not out yet! He still goes back & forth every day or so in thinking the baby is a girl & then a boy. Lately we've been asking him what we should name the baby & he'll start rambling off letters that of course don't spell anything, but now he's stuck on just stating the ABC's & at the end he'll say, "that spells Baby!" What a name that would be!

Well the big day when we find out the baby's sex is quickly approaching on Thursday (22nd)! Be sure to check back likely later that evening for the official news & newest ultrasound pics! We may even have another video posting if they give us one like they did for Kameron. If you haven't voted in the poll to the right yet, you can do so until Thursday afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

19 weeks already so you almost half way through wow time is going so fast. Can`t wait to see if you guys will have a boy or girl.