Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Almost 35 weeks

Well, last week's entry timeframe is gone since it kind of slipped away from me! Oh well. The 34 week pic is proving to show that I'm continuing to grow. I went in for my 34 week appt. last week & am measuring right on schedule at 34 cm. I did gain 4 pounds from 2 weeks prior, but she said that was fine & normal to have more in the end (and a lot better than in the beginning). I think I'm up to about 25 total, which is good.

I was concerned about the swelling I'm getting in my right foot so she checked it out since that can sometimes mean a blood clot, especially when it's only on one side, but she didn't find anything & I'm not having any pain. She felt better about it knowing that it happens late afternoon ususally but then is gone by morning until the late afternoon again. But, I am watching it just in case. It's an everyday thing.

Other than that, I am getting more & more heartburn episodes, so I should probably see if I can pinpoint certain foods that set it off since it is bad at times. For the most part though, Rolaids does the trick.

In other news, we have put an offer in on a new house in the Champaign, IL area. We are pretty excited, but trying not to get our hopes up since it all depends on the sale of our current house, and if no one else puts an offer in for the new house before then. Since we had our current house built, we discussed looking into that option again, but we really like this other house that was just built (and that's amazing in itself), plus don't want to live in something temporary if we don't have to, especially with kids! So, we'll see - at least it's a back up plan in place.

I go back to the Dr. next Tues. for my 36 week appt. & then will go back weekly. It's getting close!

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