Friday, October 31, 2008

4 weeks old

Already 4 weeks old, but not quite a month yet...that's kind of weird how that works out. Anyway, Happy Halloween! We plan to post some pics of the kids from tonight at some point to share the first Halloween with brother & sister. We will be heading to Normal for the evening to go trick-or-treating w/ our friends that we now only live 45 minutes away from!

So, updates since the last entry...we have moved out of our house & into temporary housing here in IL while we wait for our TN house to sell! It's been a crazy past couple of weeks, with just moving here last weekend, but we made it! LOTS of craziness as movers came & packed up our entire house & we found out we had a LOT more stuff than they anticipated (they filled up an entire semi & then had to call in another moving truck!). But, we also have two businesses packed up along with everything else. Moving out of our house was a bit bittersweet. That was the house we built from square one & picked out every detail for, but it's also the house that we have made so many memories in, mainly Kameron's past few years. However, this move is such a great thing for us in so many ways, that we have to look at that part as well. We'll have many more memories here, both in our temp housing & once we finally get into our new house! Our temp housing isn't bad, it's just very crammed for space & we are still having to live out of boxes to some degree. We've already ventured out to the apple orchard for their pumpkin festival & went to the mall's Halloween kids night w/ games, etc. so Kameron really enjoyed both.

Buddy is enjoying his new research engineering job here & Kameron jumped right in to loving his new preschool. I already have a couple PC parties booked & am in the process of trying to meet new people for that & to have some new friends here! I think not having a house yet has been the hardest for my job since it's hard to make contacts living in an extended stay hotel! But, I'm trying my best when I'm out and about.

As for Marinne, she is such a wonderful baby! She's been great & we're enjoying each day w/ her. She's awake a bit more now & started to grin back this past week! Her nights have been amazing for her age really...she'll have a good 4 to 5 plus hours at least once a night where she won't wake up; well, most nights anyway! Then it's about 3 to 4 hours...except for the other night she wanted to stay awake just to be up for 3 hours! At least she wasn't screaming during those hours. She's still sporting her newborn clothes, which I'm enjoying while I can. She has started enjoying her play activity mat & gazing at all the colors & hearing the sounds everything makes. She still enjoys her cradle swing for the most part, but if she's tired, she'd rather sleep in someone's arms; go figure. That's hard to not take part in everytime though! We have her sleeping in a snuggle nest at night, just like we did w/ Kameron & that has been just fine.

Kameron is still really enjoying being around Marinne & is getting better knowing that he must be gentle when he touches her. He's really wanted to help with things as well, so that's been good for him since he wants to be part of everything. He's adjusted pretty good to the housing arrangement, and it's been a bonus for him since he has his own king bed here & didn't have that at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Danelle,
I did get the picture card, OMG how cute. Thank you so much!!!