Wednesday, July 2, 2008

26 weeks

Since I've last typed in, Buddy has officially felt the baby move (as of Saturday, June 21)! Since then, he's been able to see & feel the baby move a few times, but isn't real big on placing his hand on my belly & waiting for her to kick him. He just doesn't want to have to wait longer than a minute or two, but seems he's not the only father that way after talking to Nikki!

My belly seems to be progressing along & Buddy even commented thinking it was bigger this past week for tonight's belly shot pic. I have been feeling fine & really been able to stay up until around 11 most nights, but as of yesterday, I'm starting to want to call it a night around 10:00 again. It's worse when I fight it, like I did last night, so maybe I'll head to bed after this.

My latest pregnancy thing is the new 'secret belly fit' capris & jeans I have discovered at Motherhood Maternity. I had heard about them, but once I ordered them & tried them on, wow...such a difference from any other maternity bottoms out there! Not only is it nice that you can't see a line under my shirt from the elastic in the pants, but they are actually very comfy & don't cut in, roll down or bulge like a lot do. So, I'm off to find a pair of shorts when we go by the mall tomorrow on our way to IL for the 4th weekend. We haven't been to Six Flags in forever so we decided to make that part of our trip to IL to visit family since they have things for Kameron to enjoy, plus my sister only lives about 30 minutes from the one in St. Louis area.

Oh, I am starting to notice having to catch my breath or loss of as of lately. I remember having that towards the end of my pregnancy w/Kameron while conducting a Pampered Chef party, and as of my party on Sunday, it's to that stage again. I also have to tweek my workout program moreso now due to that & just comfort level, but all to be expected.

Kameron has been asking lately about when his baby sister will come out, so sounds like he's on board. Plus, he's really been into the Precious Moments doll that my mom brought for the baby & treating it like a real baby (especially rocking & calming when she pretend cries). It's so cute!

We have started the transition for Kameron into the guest bedroom to give him plenty of time to adjust before the baby arrives. We ordered his bedding outfit (animals, his favorite, & it's just adorable) since the one we have in his bedroom is for a twin & they don't make that same one in a full. Luckily the curtains & accessories all match this new bedding set. We decided to put him in the full bed already in the guest bedroom since first, we have no place to store it (won't fit up the attic hole) & second,it will be helpful to still have when guests stay. We bought paint for his room & the baby room last night but went ahead & put Kameron's new bedding on the full bed & let tonight be his first official night in that room. He was sooo excited when I opened up his new bedding when it came in on Monday so needless to say, we didn't have to do much convincing to get him to sleep in the 'big boy bed w/ animals'. So, we'll see how it goes! The other goal is to help keep him in his own bed all night. He's been doing a lot better with the rewards we offer, but sometimes still wanders in. However, if I wake up & remind him to go back to his bedroom & what he'll get in the morning, he's usually pretty good at doing it. Speaking of progress, as of last week, we officially took him out of nighttime pull-ups! He'd been going for a couple of weeks or more without wetting them, so it was definitely time. And so far, no accidents. He really is getting to be a big boy & anticipating his new role as big brother!

In other new things for us, we have started our small group at church on Sunday evenings and are really enjoying all of it from the friends & fellowship to the learning about all aspects. We really like our church (just started in April) and have grown very fond of everything about it. It's great to be able to look forward to going each week & know we are in the right place for numerous reasons. It's a wonderful feeling to have a place to call our own now & that need for faith be brought back into our lives. It's been a hard go for us, and mainly for me to adjust to religion again after losing my sister & grandmother, so it's such a huge step for me to have this feel so right. We've never experienced a church like this to where we can actually walk away with such a powerful message each week & something that keeps you interested & coming back for more. Thanks, Grace!

No other new baby announcements to report as of now (i.e. a name). I guess we'll eventually get that squared away, but it really isn't something we've done a lot of talking or researching on yet. She'll have a name, it just may not be until shortly before she's due!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just catching up on your site - haven't been there for a while. I was very excited to read your section about finding a church - Which one are you attending? You said Grace, so I was wondering it is Grace Community?

Sounds like your belly is progressing like it should to work on that name???

Talk at you later.