Sunday, July 20, 2008

28+ weeks

Continuing to grow, as seen in the pics! At my 28 week Dr. appt. my belly was measuring in at 29 cm, which is good. I gained another 5 pounds over the past month & still right under the range, so my Dr. was pretty happy at how things are progressing. The baby's heartrate was at 160 & everything sounds great. She was quite active during this appt. to where it took a few tries to get her heartrate since she was kicking so frequently. I also had my gestational diabetes & HIV tests done. I didn't hear anything the following day like she mentioned I would, so I'm guessing they both came back normal. Well, I know the HIV one did, obviously, but more concerned to see about the diabetes. The glucose drink wasn't real fun that I drank on the way to the appt...a lot more of a burning sensation then I remember from the first pregnancy. My Dr. suggested I stop working Pampered Chef parties around mid Sept. to be safe but we'll play it by ear as far as how I progress in the weeks to come to know when she'll aim to have me deliver & how much past my due date she'll let me go. She doesn't want to induce if it isn't necessary, of course, but won't let me go a week over my due date either. I go back on July 29 for the next appt. (I now start on 2 week visits).

As for how I'm feeling, I'm getting quite a lot of movement each day & it beginning to form somewhat of a pattern of when she is awake & asleep. She seems to be more active right before I go to bed, right before lunch & right before I wake up. But then I have other days, like two days ago, where she was pretty much active a majority of the day; then others like yesterday where she wasn't overly active. I'm having an upper back pain on my right side that seems to flare up more at night. I did go to a prenatal massage appt. recently that really helped all areas from the aches starting on at this pregnancy stage, and she keyed in on that area which helped a lot. I really don't feel too bad; just more awkward & of course a little slow to go.

I just got home from my Pampered Chef National Conference in Chicago. As always, it proved to be a great deal of learning, networking, nice time to catch up with friends & fun. I was a little slower this time, but did find out I can still run a bit if needed...when trying to catch a bus! So, I'm pretty worn out today from being nonstop for the past few days, but all is good. I'm anxious to implement all I have learned for my team & myself, and for the Fall season line-up.

My local baby shower last weekend proved to be an incredible experience. I can't explain how wonderful it all was, and how much time went into everything. It truly made me feel special & loved! I was simply amazed at the site, how beautiful it all was from the decorations to the fancy food, & how much fun we all had. I owe a great deal of appreciation & thanks to Kristin & my sister for helping make it happen, and for my mom & sister for traveling to come. I also had another little surprise I never of my friends that used to live here (moved a year ago) came in & surprised me a couple days before at dinner! Andrea lives in Nebraska now & I never thought she'd be able to make it, but sure enough, she & Kristin surprised me with her arrival at dinner a couple nights before. I know the look on my face was priceless since the waitress & staff were in on the surprise & they started to sit Kristin & I at a table with a lady already sitting down. Since Andrea's head was down, I had no idea it was her & just looked at the waitress & Kristin like they were nuts trying to seat us with another person we didn't know! Needless to say, I was thrilled & thank her for making the trip & helping get things ready for the shower. So glad & unbelievably thankful to have people care enough to help me celebrate this true miracle & have this to honor her!

Kameron continues to be interested in meeting his baby sister soon. He is enjoying playing with some shower decorations in the meantime (mainly the big mylar balloons). Buddy just took some pics of him, so you can check them out at:

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